
Vienreizējās lietošanas Vape Waspe 12000 Puffs vairumtirdzniecība


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Yumi Essenvape

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Waspe 12000 Puffs

Experience vaping like never before with the Waspe 12000 Puffs, a revolutionary and high-performance disposable vape device designed to elevate your vaping journey. With a staggering 12,000 puffs packed into this sleek and compact device, you’ll enjoy extended vaping sessions without the hassle of refilling or recharging.


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WhatsApp: +8618377127724

Yumi Essenvape

Elevate your vaping experience with the Waspe 12000 Puffs

1. Long-Lasting Performance: Indulge in an impressive vaping marathon with the Waspe 12000 Puffs, offering a staggering capacity of up to 12,000 puffs. This means you can savor extended vaping sessions without the inconvenience of constant refills or recharges.

2. Premium Flavor Selection: Discover a wide range of delicious and satisfying flavors that cater to every palate.

3. rechargeable battery: With its built-in 650mAh battery and Type-C charging capability, the device ensures a reliable power source for extended vaping periods.

4. Ease of Use: Forget about the complexities of traditional vaping devices. The Waspe 12000 Puffs is pre-filled, pre-charged, and ready to use straight out of the box. Simply remove the protective cap, inhale, and enjoy the smooth and satisfying vapor. It’s the perfect choice for both beginners and experienced vapers.

5. Kompakts un pārnēsājams: Designed with convenience in mind, this disposable vape device fits comfortably in your pocket or purse. Its slim profile and lightweight construction make it the ideal companion for on-the-go vaping, ensuring you can enjoy your favorite flavors wherever you are.

6. Nicotine Strength: The Waspe 12000 Puffs offers two nicotine strengths to cater to your preferences, with options of 20mg (2%) or 50mg (5%). This ensures a satisfying nicotine hit for those seeking different levels of intensity.

Don’t miss out on this exceptional vaping experience. Try the Waspe 12000 Puffs today and discover the future of vaping convenience and flavor!


Waspe 12000 Puffs Garšas

1. Blueberry On Ice: Immerse yourself in the vibrant fusion of ripe blueberries, accentuated with a refreshing icy twist. It’s a chilly and berrylicious delight that will invigorate your taste buds.

2. Blueberry Raspberry: Experience the perfect harmony of luscious blueberries and tangy raspberries in every puff. This flavor combination offers a fruity explosion that’s both sweet and tart.

3. Cool Mint: Keep it cool with the Cool Mint flavor, a crisp and invigorating menthol-infused vape that delivers an icy blast with every inhale. It’s the ultimate refreshment.

4. Vīnogu ledus: Dive into the world of frozen grapes with Grape Ice. This flavor combines the succulent essence of grapes with a chilling menthol finish, creating a grape experience like no other.

5. Mango Ice: Savor the tropical allure of ripe mangoes combined with an icy breeze. Mango Ice offers a tropical getaway with a refreshing twist.

6. Mixed Berries: Get ready for a berry extravaganza! Mixed Berries blend the juiciness of various berries into a symphony of flavors, providing a sweet and tangy vaping adventure.

7. Strawberry Kiwi: Discover the perfect balance of sweet strawberries and zesty kiwis. It’s a delightful concoction that’s both fruity and refreshing.

8. Strawberry Mango: Experience the tropical goodness of ripe mangos intertwined with the sweetness of strawberries. It’s a sun-kissed flavor combination that’ll transport you to a beach paradise.

9. Strawberry Watermelon: Enjoy the succulent fusion of juicy watermelon and ripe strawberries. It’s a summertime favorite that’s both juicy and satisfying.

10. Arbūzu ledus: Dive into the cool and refreshing world of Watermelon Ice. This flavor captures the essence of fresh watermelon with a crisp menthol breeze, making it a perfect choice for hot days.

Katra no šīm Waspe 12000 Puffs klāsta garšām piedāvā unikālu un apmierinošu tvaicēšanas pieredzi, nodrošinot katrai gaumei un noskaņojumam atbilstošu garšu.



Q: What is the expected lifespan of the Waspe 12000 Puffs with 12,000 puffs?
A: The duration of the Waspe 12000 Puffs largely depends on individual usage habits. On average, it is engineered to deliver a satisfying vaping experience over an extended period.

Q: How long can I use the battery in the Waspe 12000 Puffs before recharging?
A: The Waspe 12000 Puffs is equipped with a 650mAh built-in battery designed to provide a reliable power source for lengthy vaping sessions. The precise battery life may vary depending on how frequently you use it.

Q: How can I recharge the Waspe 12000 Puffs?
A: Recharging the Waspe 12000 Puffs is a breeze with its Type-C charging port. Just connect the provided Type-C cable to the device and plug it into a compatible power source, such as a USB port on your computer or a wall adapter.


Domā, ka jūs varētu vēlēties uzzināt par elektroniskajām cigaretēm (e-cigaretēm):

J: Kas ir elektroniskā cigarete (e-cigarete)?
A: Elektroniskā cigarete jeb e-cigarete ir elektroniska ierīce, ko izmanto, lai iztvaicētu šķidrumu, kas satur nikotīnu vai nikotīnu nesaturošus e-šķidrumus ieelpošanai. Tas imitē tradicionālo cigarešu smēķēšanas sajūtu, bet neizdala dūmus.

J: Kā darbojas e-cigaretes?
A: E-cigaretes darbojas, sildot šķidrumu elektroniskajā šķidrumā (e-šķidrumā), lai to pārvērstu tvaikos. Lietotāji ieelpo šos tvaikus, nevis tradicionālo cigarešu radītos dūmus.

J: Vai e-cigaretēm ir dažādas garšas iespējas?
A: Jā, e-cigaretes parasti piedāvā dažādas e-šķidruma garšas, tostarp augļu, konfekšu, piparmētru un klasiskās tabakas garšas.

J: Kādu nikotīna stiprumu man vajadzētu izvēlēties?
A: Nikotīna stipruma izvēle ir atkarīga no jūsu smēķēšanas ieradumiem. Spēcīgiem smēķētājiem var būt nepieciešama augstāka nikotīna koncentrācija, savukārt vieglie smēķētāji var izvēlēties zemāku nikotīna koncentrāciju.

J: Vai e-cigaretes var palīdzēt atmest smēķēšanu?
A: Daži cilvēki e-cigaretes izmanto kā līdzekli smēķēšanas atmešanai, jo tās nodrošina alternatīvu nikotīna avotu, vienlaikus samazinot citu kaitīgu vielu iedarbību. Tomēr smēķēšanas atmešanas efektivitāte ar e-cigaretēm dažādiem cilvēkiem ir atšķirīga, un pirms mēģināt atmest smēķēšanu, vislabāk ir konsultēties ar veselības aprūpes speciālistu.

J: Vai e-cigaretēm ir nepieciešama apkope?
A: Lielākā daļa e-cigarešu ir vienreizējās lietošanas vai uzlādējamas ierīces, kurām nepieciešama maza apkope. Jums tikai jānomaina e-šķidruma kasetne vai akumulators, neuztraucoties par detaļu maiņu.


Atrodiet vairāk produktu, kas jums varētu patikt:iepirkties tagad

citi pūkļi, kas jums varētu patikt: Bang King 12000,Tornado 12000 sitieni/Kulx 10000 uzpūtienu/Crystal 8000/ QST ruma bārs Tornado 15000 uzpūtienu/ QST ruma bārs 10000 uzpūtienu

Īpašas formas vape: pudeles forma/Kolas forma/RGB gaisma/Dubultā krāsa/maģija Kristāls

Papildus informācija



Izvēlieties savas garšas

melleņu ledus, zemeņu Wateymlon, zemeņu saldējums, zemeņu banāns, vēsā piparmētra, arbūza ledus, SOUR ābols, mango persiks, zemeņu kivi, Sakuras vīnogu ledus, jaukts berrieb